Android AHA released on 24 April 2013
New Version v1.0.3 released on 1st Sept 2012
1)Runs on linux using mono runtime.
2)User can change the pooling interval
New Version v1.0.1 released on 30th June 2012 (Refer to the comments for more detail about the change log and update instruction).
Hathway broadband users are required to authenticate on there service portal in order to start internet. This application automatically authenticates user on hathway portal.User has to define the hathway user id and password before starting and then it will keep on monitoring internet connection (pings after every 30 seconds).

You can download the Auto Hathway Authentication v1.0.1 from my public dropbox folder
Requires Microsoft .Net framework 2.0
New Version v1.0.3 released on 1st Sept 2012
1)Runs on linux using mono runtime.
2)User can change the pooling interval
New Version v1.0.1 released on 30th June 2012 (Refer to the comments for more detail about the change log and update instruction).
Hathway broadband users are required to authenticate on there service portal in order to start internet. This application automatically authenticates user on hathway portal.User has to define the hathway user id and password before starting and then it will keep on monitoring internet connection (pings after every 30 seconds).
Requires Microsoft .Net framework 2.0
Thanks was thinking something like this, But i wanted it to run on my router automatically. Because sometimes, i use other electronic gadgets, where there is no provision for login.
I haven't tried this yet. Is this safe from malware/virus?
Don't worry its is completely safe. You can download and verify using any virus scanner.
Thats pretty, but can you do that run in my Netgear Router? It will be more useful if it can happen.
I think, the time 30sec is too fast. I haven't seen the internet connection idled for a gap of hours. How about an option of changing the time interval (in next versions of the app)?
Good effort, Thanks...
It works on windows OS only, if you have some network setup then you keep it running on any of your windows based server which runs 24x7 and it will keep you connected.
I also have a wifi router in my house and i am also planning to mod its firmware to automatically authenticate the internet but modfying a router firmware is very tricky and complex. Even i was looking for something to mod the firmware of hathway cable modem but not found anything yet
The 30 sec timer is required because if it is increased to 1 min or more user can have an internet disconnected period of moer than 1 min, in which user can manually authenticate and if interval is reduced then overheading of checking internet connectivity wll be increased.
Thank you,
Are you on twitter?
Can you make this to iOS / Android?
I have a linux server, how can i host it on linux server, and make it run - as you said above?
Since this app is based on .Net 2.0. Try using Mono, though i have not tested my app on linux.
I'm a little technically challenged - I have to just run this application and it will automatically work for me?
I use Windows 7 and browse using IE and Chrome
You have to download the application and do following steps
1. Run the application.
2. Set user Hathway username and password in top fields.
3. Check the auto start on windows start and click Save button.
(In Windows XP),I use 'autostart'(run when computer starts) mode of this application.
The problem is, whenever i shutdown the computer, it asks for termination request of the application. Without terminating the program, the system doesn't shutdown. So if i forget to do that, then comp will be running always.
Hey it is safed 100%%..
bcoz..we are giving our id and passwords.....
and softwere developer can use our internet connection too....
@Kalpesh, How safe an application is completely question of trust. As far the question of misuse i think that the hathway service is binded with the your modem and your hathway login credential and that means that one cannot login to hathway portal by just using someones else login credential because it requires modem too.
i want to use this application but i am not using hathway... i am using different broadband... my login page comes like this... then i have to type username and password... help needed.. can u modify it for me
It will be nice if you make this for Linux. I hardly have the req knowledge to write that code. Can you do this, so that i can have it running on my linux server?
i am getting issue while running the exe file, its saying the program not responding while running the please..
My Bad, i should have run this as an Administrator, the program installed successfully and its a fantastic tool, i was really frustrated by this Hathway excess Security options as if they are securing there Swiss Bank Account..
Would be great to have this for my iPhone and Android Tablet...Can you do that pls ?
hey anil soni.
i really appreciate ur effort in doing this. really a nice one.
I am trying to write a script and i really appreciate if u can help me.
I am trying to sent a httpPost request directly to the url
with the post data as username="myusername"&password="mypassword" but im not getting a successfully reply.
To post to hathway, you'll need to use this :
Just change the username and password and feel free to code a script of your own and don't forget to share it with us here.
@varun dave..
that worked perfectly right :)
thanks a loot buddy... ill upload the script very soon
New Version of AHA 1.0.1 is now available and can be downloaded from my dropbox
1. Fixed - AHA not working after recent changes in Hathway portal service.
2. Fixed - Windows shutdown issue because AHA does not get closed automatically. (Reported by some anonymous user)
3. Fixed - Autostart checkbox is not checked after a restart.
Steps for Update:
1. Replace the existing AHA.exe with new one.
2. Start AHA and re-enter and save hathway Userid and password.
Please someone can get this working on linux? maybe just a browser script!
Yes. +1. Linux for me too. Can't you use same code and compile it in mono and upload a linux version as well? PLEASE!
I am working for its linux version also and will upload that one soon.
having problem every hour of operation.
OS: win 7 64 bit, intel atom processor 2 gb ram
get a security exception with the following details:
See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.
************** Exception Text **************
System.Security.SecurityException: The source was not found, but some or all event logs could not be searched. Inaccessible logs: Security.
at System.Diagnostics.EventLog.FindSourceRegistration(String source, String machineName, Boolean readOnly)
at System.Diagnostics.EventLog.SourceExists(String source, String machineName)
at System.Diagnostics.EventLog.VerifyAndCreateSource(String sourceName, String currentMachineName)
at System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEvent(EventInstance instance, Byte[] data, Object[] values)
at System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEvent(EventInstance instance, Object[] values)
at System.Diagnostics.EventLogTraceListener.TraceEvent(TraceEventCache eventCache, String source, TraceEventType severity, Int32 id, String message)
at System.Diagnostics.TraceInternal.TraceEvent(TraceEventType eventType, Int32 id, String format, Object[] args)
at System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceError(String message)
at AHA.FrmMain.get_IsConnected()
at AHA.FrmMain.timer1_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.OnTick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.TimerNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
The Zone of the assembly that failed was:
i have one question:
after particular time interval lets say 10 minutes i can see in the Logs "Internet Started", what does that mean to me ?
1. I have a WiFi router - is this cause because of issue with Wi Fi Router ?
2. Is Hathway connection is getting logged out automatically even though i am continuously using the Internet connection (Shame on you Hathway)
3. Internet Signals are distorted and the connection is getting lost because of that ? (Again shame on you Hathway)
4. Issue with the Hathway Internet Modem ? (Once more big shame on you Hathway)
Hey would this software work even if my Computer is shut down? I need the internet connection running for my VOIP telephone.
Like would the script run with only my router on?
can you please upload the linux version?
hi sir,
i am fed up with that 30 sec checking.
pls provide a option in which the user can set his own checking time
or else if not possible, pls make it to 5-10minnutes
Auto hathway authentication v1.0.3 now available
1)Runs on linux using mono runtime.
2)User can change the pooling interval
How can i increase the pooling time to 30 mins...HELP
Use this for linux. You will need to install curl though. Also assuming that you are based out of india. Otherwise replace accordingly..
/opt/bin/curl --output /tmp/root/curloutput ""
if [ $(grep /tmp/root/curloutput | wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then
/opt/bin/curl -s --data "" /dev/null 2>&1;
great work buddy.
This stuck works very nice. I tried the version 1.0.3 but there was some prob. I ran 1.0.1 with admin privilages it runs very nicely thank you.
Any way this can be used with apple or google devies ?
Need an app for this !!
Hi Anil.
Can I use this on my android? There is no providion for login on the android. I have to switch on my pc. I dont mind the login procsss as far as I can do it on my phone. does not open on my android. Any ideas?
Hi Anil:
Hathway disconnects every 6 Hrs (maybe more or less not sure) and requires user to manually connect again. I wanted to know if this app takes care of that. If yes, can I request you share the logic with me, so I can code a BASH shell script for it?
I am not Windoze user, and want to write a shell script, so Hathway connection gets automatically established after it disconnects due to Hathway's policy of disconnecting it after few hours.
Look forward to hear from you.
Hi Anil. even if I change the polling interval to 1800, when the computer restarts it reverts back to 30 seconds. Can you help with this fix? also I believe if you use the IP vs the login dns, it would be faster. For the next version it would be good if we could modify that.
Thanks for the nice suggestions and feedback. I will consider following changes in the next version
1.Migration of AHA to android.
2.Detection of Hathway network.
3.Navigate using IP address instead of domain name.
Looking for more suggestions and feedback from the users.
Can anybody speak for IOs users ?
I am desperately monitoring for that
i have hathway connection and i want to share it on my mobile. how i can do these? how to setup wifi on hathway broadband?
Make It Open Source....
Give ME The Source Codes...and I Can help U Port It On Other Os's
Buddy the code has stopped working for me in pune, also please work out something for android phone as well. plz
Thanks saved from the annoying periodical log off from Hathway internet.
Now I can peacefully leave my PC for downloading throughout the day :)
here is new simple AHA, WinAHA with source code, form,
feel free to contact, thanks
Here is my solution to automatic login using Raspberry Pi, hope that helps some people:
Thanks for your wonderful program (Auto Hathway Authentication, and for making it available for free.
I'm only worried that, since you plan to make it available on Android Play Store, hathway might try a workaround.
Please make such app for Ios too.
Awesome bro ... Awesome :) that works kudos :) . thanks you saved my day i didnt wanted to install windows just to open my internet connection. In linux it doesnot open the stupid login url . And this solves my problem :). Thanks again
This one is the only application of its kind would be even better if it connected router quickly.Many times I need yo wait for uptown 1/2 an hour or even MORE
it's great!!! worked flawlessly on Windows 7... then i upgraded to Windows 8 Pro and something went wrong! i installed .NET software... but i still get constant errors in spite of successful internet connection... AHA works but something on Windows 8 Pro does not!
Dear Anil pls reply to this will it work even if the computer turned off for two days and still will it be connected if I use other gadgets like Apple iPad ?
Thank you so much, small things make a big difference man :)
For Linux (NAS, Raspberry Pi, Router) you can use this bash script and schedule to run it as a cronjob:
ping -c 1 -W 10 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo `date` "Net not accessible. Logging into Hathway"
curl --data 'data[Subscriber][username]=YOURUSERNAME&data[Subscriber][password]=YOURPASSWORD' -A "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.742.112 Safari/534.30" >>
echo `date` "Net accessible"
Tabs disappear as a comment. Have a look at the website below how it should be formatted. Fill in your username & password, change IP if required and the filename
Credits go to
Only noticed it stopped working and I adapted it a little bit.
Thanks for sharing a valuable information
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